League dates
Saturday 22 February 2025
Sunday 27 April 2025
Current date:
Friday 14 March 2025
Points scoring
Points for a win: 2
Points for a loss: 1
Points for a walkover: 2
Points for a retirement: 2
League positions determined by the following critera (in order):
- Number of points
- Number of wins
- Head to head scores
Match format
Box league matches will be played as best of 3 sets. The first 2 sets will be regular sets with a standard 7-point tie break played, if the score reaches 6 games all.
If the match has to go to a third set decider. The third set will be a Match tiebreak (first to 10 points, 2 points clear) to decide the match. If both players agree, a full third set can be played but the score must be entered into the system as a 10-8 tiebreak to the the winner.
The winner of each match is to submit the result on the online system.
Results and league tables are updated in real time in the online system and are visible to all players at any time.
Booking a court
Keep in mind your commitment to arrange matches with your opponents at mutually agreeable times during the period of each league. Always better to do this earlier rather than later!
Competitors must book a court in advance of the match. To book a court please contact carlene@se-tennis.co.uk and provide the following:
1. State it is for a Box League match.
2. Both players names.
3. Date required.
4. Start & finish time (allow 2 hrs).
You will receive confirmation of your booking, including the entrance code and the court number.